Saturday 2 January 2016

halacha - Is the material permitted to learn on Tisha B'av available online?


Other prohibitions include...Learning Torah, since this is a joyful activity. It is permitted to learn texts relevant to Tisha B'Av and mourning -- e.g. the Book of Lamentations, Book of Job, parts of Tractate Moed Katan, Gittin 56-58, Sanhedrin 104, Yerushalmi end of Ta'anis, and the Laws of Mourning. In-depth study should be avoided. (MB 554:4)

Is the material that we are permitted to learn on Tisha B'av available online?

Ideally, I'd like to have some sort of document that includes the different sources that I can save to my computer, for offline reference. I understand it's not realistic to expect a pdf of the complete books of Iyov and Eicha, but all the different Talmudic sources in one pdf would be useful.

If that's not available, it would be nice to know where the material is availabe online.

Also, which parts of Moed Katan specifically?


Let's put together a list here.

Sections dealing with consolation, or punishment of the other nations, should be skipped.

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