Monday 4 January 2016

aru Kanji confusion

In the sentence:


would I use

在る or 有る?

(I know that today it's almost always written in Kana) Thanks in advance :)!


有る is for possession; 在る is for existence. Though there can be some overlap. And 或る (even though you didn't ask) is actually an adjective for "a particular/certain", like in ある日に....

So in this case, I'm mostly certain it would be 有る since you "have" homework.

Here are some words that might help remember the difference:

  • 所有 → one's possessions; ownership

  • 有罪 → guilty; "having" guilt

  • 共有 → sharing; joint ownership

  • 有料 → something that costs money (as opposed to free 無料); "having" a cost

  • 有力 → strong; influential; "having" power

  • 所在 → whereabouts

  • 存在 → existence

  • 在日 → living/staying in Japan (particularly used for foreigners)

  • 現在 → the present (time)

  • 在庫 → inventory (merchandise)

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