Monday 3 August 2015

tefilla - Has any rav / gadol answered Maharal's question on why we pray?

I located this in beurei hatefilah

מהרל נתיבות עולם א עמוד פא נתיב העבודה פרק ה

And there are those who ask about tefila: if a person is worthy that G-d should grant him what he is requesting in his tefila, then why would not G-d grant this person’s request even without tefila and if he is not worthy, then even if he were to pray and make his request, will G-d really grant his request simply because this man prayed. And they asked further: Why do we have to pray by mouthing words, is it not so that G-d knows all our thoughts and should it not be enough that we think those thoughts?

These are great questions, and I can't quite begin to answer any of them, myself. Has anyone rav or gadol answered any of them?

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