Monday 24 August 2015

matlab - Implementing Costas loop for 4-PAM

EDIT 2: OK, regarding the code I’ve pasted below, and seeing the FFT plot, I suspect the LPFilters aren’t working since I’m getting $0.5*m(t)*[cos(2 \pi f_c t ( \theta_e)+cos(\theta_e)]$ instead of $0.5*m(t)*cos(\theta_e)$. But I don’t really know why, I’m clueless... I’d filter the output it but I don’t think that’s how it’s supposed to work. EDIT on this: Well I tried filtering and it didn't work at all... makes me wonder if I'm plotting the FFT correctly. But anyway, the signal looks like in the first screenshot, that's for sure.

EDIT: I've tried a different way of implementing it and I keep getting the same result, despite the author getting it to work properly

Carrier recovery is discussed in Chapter 10 in "Telecommunication Breakdown" by Johnson and Sethares. I've been running the code they provide and I get the same result when I plot "theta" to see how it changes overtime and it looks the same as the screenshot in the book. But I tried to look at the output of the costas loop (which is not discussed nor plotted in the chapter, not sure why) and I don't seem to be getting very good results. Here's the code from the book (made slight modifications to get the output and also replaced the pam() function with pammod() cause I didn't find such function in the book and I don't have the CD-ROM):

N=10000; M=20; Ts=.0001;
time=Ts*(N*M-1); t=0:Ts:time;
m=pammod(randi([0 3],1,N),4);
mup=zeros(1,N*M); mup(1:M:end)=m;

f0=1000; phoff=-1.0;



fl=500; ff=[0 .01 .02 1]; fa=[1 1 0 0];
theta=zeros(1,length(t)); theta(1)=0;

zs=zeros(1,fl+1); zc=zeros(1,fl+1);
for k=1:length(t)-1
output(k) = 2*r(k)*cos(2*pi*fc*t(k)+theta(k));
zs=[zs(2:fl+1), 2*r(k)*sin(2*pi*fc*t(k)+theta(k))];
zc=[zc(2:fl+1), output(k)];
lpfs=fliplr(h)*zs'; lpfc=fliplr(h)*zc';

So I decided to plot output vs s and this is what I got:

Time domain of output of Costas loop vs signal before upconverting

If I understood the theory about Costas loop, if the input is $s(t)=m(t)cos(2\pi f_0 t+\theta_i)$, if the loop worked fine, at the output I should have $0.5*m(t)cos(\theta_i - \theta_o)=0.5*m(t)cos(\theta_e)$ -> for $\theta_e$ ~ 0 -> $0.5*m(t)$ but as you can see, there's something else besides m(t). Why is this happening? I tried plotting the FFT of the rsc and the output, and as you can see, there is some info at around 2000 Hz that shouldn't be there, only the baseband should:

FFT for output of costas loop and upconverted s

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