Sunday 30 August 2015

kanji - Is 云 related to 𠫓 in any way?

Depending on the kanji face the left element 言 in multi-element kanjis like 語 is sometimes depicted with 丶 instead of top 一 . It makes me think that the same transformation occurs for 𠫓: 云 changes to 𠫓 in multi-element kanjis. Is this true or not?


As a fuller answer, no, 云 does not change to 𠫓 in multi-element kanji, and these are not related characters.

The character 云 is a regular kanji / hanzi, originally a pictogram for "cloud" that was later repurposed to spell the homophonic word meaning "to say". (Details on Wiktionary.)The 云 character is used as a component of the larger characters 雲 and 曇, and the 云 character gets somewhat compressed, but the strokes remain essentially the same in shape and number.

The character 𠫓 looks quite similar to 云, depending on the font, but this is a very different character. 𠫓 appears to be an alternative or ancestor form of the ㄊ character in the Zhuyin script, also known as bopomofo, used as an alphabet to phonetically spell out Mandarin. ㄊ is essentially the letter T in bopomofo, and it was derived from an old alternative form of the modern character 突, read as in Mandarin. (Details on Wiktionary for ㄊ and for 突.) The chart here shows how to spell various Mandarin sounds using various transcription systems. The sixth column, labeled "Zhuyin Fuhao", contains the bopomofo spellings. The table is in alphabetical order. Scroll down to the section starting with t and you will see the ㄊ character used to spell all of the initial t sounds.

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