Sunday 30 August 2015

Correlation between frequency and initial phase estimates using FFT

Why is there a high negative correlation between frequency estimation errors and initial phase estimation errors when measured using FFT? I have a simple code showing this negative correlation. is there a known explanation for that? here is the code

clear all;clc;close all;

T = 0.2;
fs = 500;
f = 200;
ts = 1/fs;
snr = 5;
n = fs*T;
t = linspace(0,T-ts,n);
theta = 0.1;
y = exp(1i*2*pi*(f.*t + theta));

for count = 1:2000
yy = awgn(y,snr,'measured');
NFFT = 2^16;
fVals = fs/NFFT.*[0:NFFT-1];
X = fft(yy,NFFT)./n;
[~,M] = findpeaks(abs(X),'MinPeakheight',0.8);
measuredAngle = angle(X(M))/2/pi;
errfreq(count) = fVals(M) - f;

errph(count) = measuredAngle - theta;

ans =
1.0000 -0.8506
-0.8506 1.0000

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