Monday 24 August 2015

If all ingredients are kosher, is the entire dish kosher?

I am working on an app that allows users to enter in recipes. I have access to some data about certain ingredients that the user can select for the recipe, such as if the ingredient is kosher. If all ingredients selected for a recipe are kosher, is the entire recipe kosher? Or are there other rules, such as how the ingredients are prepared or what pot the dish is cooked in, that will make a dish non-kosher even if all the individual ingredients are kosher?

While some recipes will be available to the general public to make themselves, most recipes are used by employees to make dishes that will be for sale.

Note: I'm sorry if this question is really un-informed. I am a non-Jew and am trying to understand kosher rules and just want to make sure I'm doing everything right.


It is a start. However it must be cooked in Kosher pots & pans. Meat & Dairy, Meat & Fish should not be combined. There are other rules such as Bishul Yisrael, Pas Yisrael, Yayin Nesech that can affect this. Also vegetables and fruits in many instances require checking for insects. Blood spots in an egg can be a problem. Meat and chicken require slaughtering according to Halacha.

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