Tuesday 4 August 2015

minhag - Should I be shuckling?

I was told that shuckeling (sp?) is an indication of the love-fear relationship that we have with God. You move forward showing that you want to be close to God and then backward out of fear of his awesomeness.

But then I was also told that for the amidah you should stand perfectly still.

Not sure how to resolve these two. Furthermore I find shuckeling to be distracting, but swaying side to side seems to help me concentrate.

What is the optimal thing to do?


Sources that support Shukeling: Mishna Berura (95:7), Magen Giborim, Zohar (Pinhas), Baal HaTurim, Kuzari, Rama (Orach Chaim 48), Keneset HaGedola (Siman 95), Menorat HaMaor (3:3:12), Sefer Hasidim (Siman 57), Peri Hadash (Siman 95).

Sources that don't support/against Shukeling: Teshuvot HaRama' (Siman 113), Hida, Rabbi Yisrael Seruk, Derech Haim (115b), Kaf HaHaim (48:7), Shaloh Amud Hatefilah (2:203a), personal story of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein

Rav Yitzchak Yosef Shelita and Rav Mordechai Eliyahu write that if it helps one be Mechawen then they may Shuckle.

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