The Ibn Ezra on Sh'mot 16:35 writes
נסים רבים היו במן
I know of some of the many miracles associated with the mon but is there a complete list anywhere with citations and sources?
So far here are what I know based on what I have read and heard (from text, lists, medrash and word of mouth, though I don't have sources for each or know that each is authoritative/supported):
- the falling of the mon in general
- that it could taste like whatever the eater wanted it to
- it was absorbed completely in the body leading to no bodily waste
- it fell closer to the camp for righteous people
- Yehoshua's fell near Moshe
- it was not visible on Shabbat though it fell
- no matter how much anyone collected, it became 1 omer
- 1 omer became the amount each person needed
- it evaporated by mid day
- the amount collected on Friday became 2 omers
- the extra turned rancid by the next day except the doubled portion on Fridays
- the mon stayed in the Ark and didn't run rancid
- the mon collected right before Moshe's death stayed good for the 40 or so days until people made bread in Canaan
- it stopped at Moshe's death
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