Tuesday 30 August 2016

usage - What's the difference between 悪 and 惡 ?

I'd like to know what the difference between 悪 and 惡 is. And also what usage you should do between both. I heard that they both mean "bad"


惡 is the traditional (pre-1946) form of the kanji, while 悪 is the new, simplified form. The simplification in this case may not seem much (just a single stroke has been removed), but it was probably made to make the form of the kanji more 'natural' and flowing.

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readings - Appending 内 to a company name is read ない or うち?

For example, if I say マイクロソフト内のパートナーシップは強いです, is the 内 here read as うち or ない? Answer 「内」 in the form: 「Proper Noun + 内」 is always read 「ない...