Friday 26 August 2016

shemoneh esrei - differences of phrasing in Al hanisim: Chanuka vs. Purim

We add paragraphs to the liturgy of Chanuka and Purim, recounting the respective miracles that those holidays commemorate. We start the paragraphs as follows. Chanuka's starts:

In the days of Matisyahu… and his sons, when the evil Greek monarchy rose against Your people Israel to cause them to forget your Torah and to draw them from the laws of Your will…

Purim's starts:

In the days of Mord'chay and Ester in the capital Shushan, when the evil Haman rose against them, he sought to destroy, kill, and get rid of all the Jews…

I note two differences between these:

  1. Chanuka's says "rose against Your people Israel"; Purim's says "rose against them", presumably the aforementioned Mord'chay and Ester.

  2. Chanuka's says "rose against [whomever] to…"; Purim's says "rose against [whomever], he sought to…".

Why these differences?

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