Tuesday 30 August 2016

halacha - Is it permissible to be mechalel Shabbos to save the life of an animal or pet?

Is it permissible to be mechalel Shabbos to save the life of an animal, such as a family pet? Could minchag, chumras, and/or purely Rabbinical prohibitions be relaxed in such a situation, and to what extent?

Please assume no Gentile is available to save the animal's life. However, if it would be permissible to relax certain rules in order to summon a Gentile for this purpose, please discuss.


From the Mishna Brurah 332:6 it is assur to violate a Torah or Rabbinic law to save an animals life but one can ask a אינו יהודי . However to heal it in a certain way see Mishna Brurah 332:5,9 .

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