Tuesday 23 August 2016

word choice - What exacty does ゆえ mean, and how does it fit this JLPT question?

I have this question in my JLPT textbook:


A ゆえ B たる C なり D こそ

The book says the answer is A, which is weird to me because I thought ゆえ was kind of like "ergo", or "as a result from". If you say 女性{じょせい}ゆえ, it seems to me like one is saying that somehow the 差別{さべつ} is because of women.

So I must have ゆえ wrong. What exactly does it mean?


故{ゆえ} appears to mean many different things depending on the way it's used, but the main definition seems to be "reason".

  • ゆえの: "by reason of (being)", "due to (being)" or "because of (being)".

    Whether to add or omit "being" can only be determined by context:

    "discrimination by reason of being a woman."

    "hardships by reason of being a famous person."

    "efficiency by reason of skill."

  • X(が)ゆえに: "for the reason of X" or "because of X":

    "be tortured for the reason of one's faith"

  • (それ)ゆえに at the start of a sentence etc: "for that reason", "therefore" or "thus":

    "for that reason, product quality is consumer confidence."

According to Daijisen, it can also mean "of splendid history" when written as 故ある人 and 故ある家 etc, "taste/atmosphere", "relation/affinity" and "break-down/accident".

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