Monday 1 August 2016

hebrew - The difference between Chazal and Razal

I have heard it said before that Chazal (חז"ל = חכמינו זכרונם לברכה; "our sages of blessed memory") refers to sages of the Mishna and Gemara, while Razal (רז"ל = רבנים/נו זכרונם לברכה; "our/the rabbonim of blessed memory") refers to Rishonim exclusively. I can't see that I have necessarily seen this distinction borne out by the literature, and suspect, though might be wrong, that the two are more-or-less interchangeable.

Can anybody clarify whether or not there is actually a distinction between these two terms, or whether or not anybody holds that there should be a distinction between them, and what that distinction might be?

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readings - Appending 内 to a company name is read ない or うち?

For example, if I say マイクロソフト内のパートナーシップは強いです, is the 内 here read as うち or ない? Answer 「内」 in the form: 「Proper Noun + 内」 is always read 「ない...