Wednesday 10 August 2016

halacha - Making a Bracha on disliked foods

If you, for some reason, must eat food you despise and will gain no enjoyment from it do you still need to make a bracha?


It may depend on what exactly is the circumstance forcing you to eat this food, and also on whether it is objectively bad-tasting (like bitter medicine) or simply that you personally don't like it.

Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 204:8 states:

"All foods and drinks that a person must eat or drink for medicinal purposes - if they taste good and the palate gets enjoyment from them, he must recite the berachah before and after them."

To which Rema adds: "If people compel someone to eat or drink, even though his palate enjoys it - he need not recite a berachah, since he was forced."

On the first case, Mishnah Berurah (:43) comments that this is true even if the person has no appetite for them, but is eating them only because he is ill. He adds that if the food is bad[-tasting] and the eater gets no enjoyment from it, then indeed he need not say a berachah. On the second one, he says (:45) that this opinion is not universally accepted - some posekim argue that he should have to recite a berachah in this case, since after all he did enjoy the taste of the food (even if it was under duress).

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