How can one say "I am going to", express intention to do something in the future. I know some expressions such as:
たいと思う - I'm going to/ I want to
ましょう - I will/ Why don't I
しようと思う - I think I will
しようとする - I'll try to
するところ - I'm about to
つもり - I plan to
する予定がある - I have plans to
する気がある - I feel like
ことにする - decide to
まいとする - I'll try not to
まいと思う - I think I won't
Do I understand what they mean correctly? Which are better to use when? What is the difference between similar expressions (予定 and つもり) ?
Your definitions were mostly OK I think.
I'm not an expert on grammar, so take this as a temporal answer until other people answer, but my interpretations thus far are...:
means "I think I'd like to...":本を読みたいと思う "I think I'd like to read a book"
means "let's do..." (polite form):本を読みましょう "Let's read a book"
means "I think I'll...":本を読もうと思う "I think I'll read a book"
means "I'll try to..." as you said:本を読もうとする "I'll try to read a book"
means "I'm about to..."/"I'm at the point of..." or "place for (do)ing...":本を読むところ "I'm about to read a book" or "place for reading books"
means "I intend to", slightly less formal than~予定がある
I think and is less likely to be used in business etc:本を読むつもりだ "I intend to read a book"
"I have plans to" as stated:本を読む予定がある "I have plans to read a book"
"I am of a mind to":本を読む気がある "I am of a mind to read a book"
I think
translates differently depending on the context, but that it generally means "(will) go with (do)ing...":今週こそは本を読むことにする "I will go with reading a book this week"
I'm not sure about ~まいとする
and ~まいと思う
. I think the difference between ~予定がある
and ~つもり
might need it's own question.
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