Tuesday 9 June 2015

learning - What is the difference in pronunciation between [桃]{もも} and [腿]{もも}?

I am currently studying 日本語 and I am trying to understand the pronunciation difference between (peach) and (thigh). Both can be written as もも in kana and sound practically the same to me when my tutor pronounces them to me, but she tells me that there is a difference in terms of the pronunciation, though I can't figure out what it is and thus how to say them properly.

So what is the difference in pronunciation? Is it stress? Accent? And how do I pronounce them so that a 日本人 can tell which one of them it is that I mean?


The difference is in the pitch accent.

桃 (peach):「もも{LH}」 (Low-High)

腿 (thigh):「もも{HL}」 (High-Low)

That is a huge difference to us native speakers because it changes the meanings of the words completely.

If there is a musical instrument around you, try doing the following.

Hit 'do-mi' as you say 「桃」 and hit 'mi-do' as you try to say 「腿」.

Other examples from simple everyday words:

Low-High 「〇〇{LH}」: 「飴{あめ}」= hard candy,「橋{はし}」= bridge,「居間{いま}」= living room

High-Low 「〇〇{HL}」:「雨{あめ}」= rain,「箸{はし}」= chopsticks,「今{いま}」= now

(Finally, even at the risk of confusing some, I might mention for the advanced learners that the (feminine) given name 「桃/もも/モモ」 is pronounced the same way as 「腿」 --- 「もも{HL}」, that is. This is an exception but it is a fact, so I had to say it.

Same thing with 「雪{ゆき}」. To mean "snow", it is pronounced 「ゆき{LH}」, but for a personal name, it is 「ゆき{HL}」.)

Note: All pronunciations above are naturally based on Standard Japanese.

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