Saturday 27 June 2015

tefilla - Kohen as Chazzan During Birchas Kohanim

Can a kohen serve as chazzan for mussaf on days when there is birchas kohanim? If so, what is the proper procedure for him to follow?


If I'm reading Shulchan Aruch 128:20, 22, 25, with Mishna B'rura, correctly, the rule is as follows. But contact your local, orthodox rabbi for any practical cases.

Is the shatz (leader, "chazan") the only kohen, or are there others?

  • If he's the only one, and he has a sidur, he should step toward the duchan at "r'tze", go on the duchan for birkas kohanim, do birkas kohanim facing the congregation, return to his place, and complete the amida.

  • If there is another kohen, then no one should tell the shatz to wash his hands or to do birkas kohanim. Did anyone?

    • If so, he should do as described above in the "If he's one only one" paragraph.

    • If not, he should not do birkas kohanim.

In all cases, someone not a kohen should prompt the kohanim and say "kohanim" (though not "elokenu..."); however, if no one present is able to who's not a kohen then the shatz should prompt the kohanim and say the introduction, unless he's doing birkas kohanim.

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