Sunday 28 June 2015

meaning - What does やい mean?

Someone ended their sentence with やいな. What dialect is this? What does やい mean? I assume that な means the same thing as in standard Japanese?

Update: the original sentence was 「もう出来あがり?仕事はやいな~」.


Update: This is not an instance of やい, but rather 速い【はやい】, so the information in my original answer is not actually applicable in this case.

Wikipedia suggests that at the very least, this is a feature of Hakata dialect (though it is also likely a feature of other dialects as well, as suggested by my comment above). In Hakata dialect, it is used as a light suggestion/command, like the ~て form of verbs in other dialect:

  • 「やい」(軽い命令)

    • 「ちょっとあそこを見て」→「ちいとあすこば見やい」

な would then be the same as in standard Japanese, as you assumed.

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