Tuesday 23 June 2015

How does a blind person make havdalah if he has to benefit from the light?

Per this answer, the one making havdalah must benefit from the light. How does a blind person make havdalah, assuming there is not another Jew present to do it for him? Does he omit the blessing over the fire, or does he make the blessing and light the candle even though he can't see it?

This question addresses the blind lighting Chanukah candles, but with Chanukah there is another reason to light (to publicize the miracle), which doesn't apply to havdalah.


A blind person cannot make the b'racha of borei m'orei ha'esh on the flame. (Shulchan Aruch OC 298:13) However, he certainly may recite the rest of havdala. (Mishna B'rura 298:34)

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