Sunday 14 June 2015

translation - What words are used for dolphin meat?

What words are used for dolphin meat?

Searching using "dolphin" in the English field listed several different words for dolphin, but no compounds involving meat.

Neither the English nor the Japanese editions of Wikipedia have an entry about dolphin meat. However, the Japanese article on dolphin drive fishing mentions イルカ肉 , which'd be イルカ "dolphin (or other small toothed whales, such as porpoises, belugas, etc.)" according to, plus the kanji for meat. Is イルカ肉 the only word, or are there other words as well?

Background: In case I get accused of trolling. Someone asked a question about dolphin meat on another Stack Exchange site yesterday, and I was wanting to look up how many cookpad recipes mention dolphin meat as an ingredient. This question could also be useful for someone wanting to know the Japanese for dolphin meat in order to avoid eating it - I know of one person asking the name of a certain meat (not dolphin) to ensure that they didn't ever eat it.


Yes, there is the more broad term 鯨肉 (げいにくor くじらにく). However, because this term usually refers to whale meat, イルカ肉 is more common to distinguish between the two.

Also, I should mention that the likelihood of you ever having the chance to eat dolphin meat nowadays is very slim, unless you travel to Wakayama prefecture perhaps. In the past, in some areas, such as 伊豆半島【いずはんとう】, you could find it in local supermarkets, labeled as 生イルカ, etc. However, this has pretty much stopped. On the other hand, whale meat is easier to find and you might find it in some very local 居酒屋, etc. Usually it is sold as くじらベーコン or 鯨【くじら】の[大和煮]【やまとに】.

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