Wednesday 10 June 2015

shemos sacred names - In the Talmud, how is the Tetragrammaton rendered?

Did the authors of the Talmud substitute the Tetragrammaton with something else?

I'm wondering if the practice extant in the LXX of using a title other than the Tetragrammaton where the name appears in the scripture. IE: If they quote a scripture containing the name do they instead say something equivalent to "the LORD"? Or do they use the Tetragrammaton as it is in the Hebrew?


The Babylonian Talmud has both Aramaic and Hebrew in it. In the handwritten versions which I reviewed, the 4 letter name of hashem is replaced with the yod-yod.

You can see this in the quotes from the bible used on Tractate B'rachot, 6A. The printed version I have replaces the 4 letter name with the Hey-apostrophe.

From the Munich Codex of 1342

6th line up from the bottom of the thinner lines next to the punch-out quote, second to last word.

9th line down, second to last word.

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