Saturday 13 June 2015

avot patriarch fathers - When did Eisav find out that Yaakov was still alive?

The pasuk in Bereishis 29:11 says:

וַיִּשַּׁ֥ק יַעֲקֹ֖ב לְרָחֵ֑ל וַיִּשָּׂ֥א אֶת־קֹל֖וֹ וַיֵּֽבְךְּ׃ Then Jacob kissed Rachel, and broke into tears.

Rashi says on that pasuk:

...Another explanation is: he wept because he came with empty hands. He thought: Eliezer, my grandfather’s servant, had with him rings, bracelets and all good things, whilst I have nothing with me (Genesis Rabbah 70:12). This was because Eliphaz Esau’s son pursued Jacob by his father’s order to kill him, and overtook him. But because Eliphaz had been brought up on Isaac’s lap, (cp. Deuteronomy Rabbah 2:13) he withheld his hand. He said to him (Jacob), “But what shall I do as regards my father’s order?” Jacob replied, “Take all I have and you can say that I am dead for a poor man may be accounted as dead" (Nedarim 64b).

Assuming that Yaakov and Eliphaz's plan succeeded, Eisav would have been under the impression that Yaakov was dead. The Torah in Perek 32 speaks of Yaakov sending messengers to inform Eisav that he is moving to Canaan.

Did Eisav know that Yaakov was alive before the messengers were sent? If yes, when and how did Eisav find out that Yaakov was still alive?

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