Saturday 20 February 2016

purim torah in jest - PTIJ: With how many minions must a minion daven?

  1. When a Minion davens, does he need to Daven with another Minion?

  2. Can a Minon daven with a Mignon Minion Minyan, or must it be with a large Minion Minyan?

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From this article:

A slave may not be counted for a minyan (SA OC 55:4), nor may one who is half-freedman and half-slave (MB 55:3).

Minions are slaves. They may daven with another minyan that has at least 10 qualifiying Jewish men. But, they cannot be counted as part of a minyan, regardless of how many of them are there. It is a given that a minyan of only minions couldn't exist, either.

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