Monday 29 February 2016

purim torah in jest - Which side was the Llama of Yetziat Mitzrayim on?

I am wondering about the role of the Llama in Yetziat Mitzrayim.

Shmot 5:4:

ויאמר אליהם, מלך מצרים, למה משה ואהרון, תפריעו את-העם ממעשיו לכו, לסבלותיכם

And the King of Egypt said to them: Llama, Moshe, and Aharon, you are disrupting the people from their work! Go to your burdens.

This paints a picture of the Llama as an ally of Bnei Yisrael. However, after Bnei Yisrael's workload is harshened, Pasuk 15 states:

ויבאו, שטרי בני ישראל, ויצעקו אל-פרעה, לאמר: למה תעשה כה, לעבדיך

And the (Israelite) officers of Bnei Yisrael came, and they cried out to Pharaoh saying: "A Llama has done this to your servants!"

How are we to solve this contradiction? Was the Llama Pro-Bnei Yisrael, or Pro-Pharaoh?

As a side point, the Pasuk (Shmot 32:11) seems to imply that the Llama somehow poisoned Moshe:

ויחל משה... ויאמר למה

And Moshe fell sick... and he said, "(It was the) Llama!"

This question is Purim Torah and is not intended to be taken completely seriously. See the Purim Torah policy.


There seems to be a misunderstanding here -- The word is not "llama" but "Lama"(with only one lamed), short for Deli Lama, the pastrami, corned beef, and beef tongue King. Once this is understood, the quotes are all easily explained:

Shemot 5:4 - Of course there was a work disruption. The sight and smell of the cooking meat, and Moshe and Aharon helping the Lama distribute the sandwich platters led to long lunches, and all that meat made the Israelites ready for a good nap, instead of working.

Shemot 5:15 - Of course Pharoah and the taskmasters figured that with such a protein-heavy diet, provided by the Lama, they could therefore work harder and longer.

Shemot 32:9 - Moshe was not poisoned - since he was (per Bamidbar 12:3)very meek/humble, he just couldn't take the chance of offending the Lama by leaving leftovers on his plate when he made Moshe a special triple decker pastrami, corned beef, and tongue sandwich. He "couldn't believe he ate the whole thing", and Alka-Seltzer wasn't available then, so the indigestion from eating all that meat nearly paralyzed him, causing him to cry out "It was the Lama" when they tried to rouse him to action.

I hope this clears things up - he was definitely on the Israelites' side, providing noshes as necessary during those tough days in Mitzraim..

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