Sunday 21 February 2016

theology - Why did G-d create the Earth spherical?

I hope nobody questions the fact of the spherical Earth. Just as spherical as all other celestial bodies.

Many argued whether we knew this fact or not, but I don't recall that those who claim we always knew also provide a reason for the Earth to be spherical.

The spherical Earth complicates a lot of things Halachicly and shatters commonly accepted ancient worldviews:

  1. There's no absolute up and down, there's no physical Heaven and Hell, so the very idea of G-d being "up in Heaven" or "coming down to Earth" can not be literal anymore.

  2. There's no absolute time, suddenly G-d and His Heavenly court has to stick to a specific time zone, it's Shabbos in one place and Friday in others. There are also two poles with no time at all (or all hours simultaneously).

  3. There's no absolute season; when it's Pesach time in Jerusalem, it's autumn in Australia.

  4. There are places where there is no day/night (poles) or season (equator).

  5. Sun and other planets are not orbiting the Earth (does not really matter Halachicly), but contradicts Rambam's Yesodey Hatorah.

G-d could easily create flat and simple Earth together with the firmament, just as our Sages saw it, but He didn't. I don't see a way that the Mitzvahs observance depends on that fact.

So why G-d created the Earth spherical? What are the Halachic or other Tora-relevant issues that favor the spherical Earth?

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