For continuous time ejkΩ0t gives a complete set of orthogonal harmonics for fourier decomposition but for discrete ejkω0n does not form a complete set orthogonal basis set to decompose a signal because... ?
No Answer yet on 21 Nov 2018,
If you know please help :(
First the continuous-time:
Consider the complex exponential: ejΩ0t where Ω0 is the continuous-time radian frequency, t is the continuous time itself. Now from elementary calculus, the period of this complex exponential can be found from x(t)=x(t+T) as :
Now in order for this equality to hold, the last exponential term must be 1. From the algebra of complex-exponentials it's known that it will be 1 whenever Ω0T=2πm for some integer m and real T,Ω0 which indicates that
ejΩ0T=1⟹Ω0T=2πm from which we find the period of the continuous-time complex exponential as:
where in the left we used the fact that the fundamental period T0 is the minimum (nonzero) real number T that satisfied the equality for m=1.
Conclusion: any continous-time complex exponential ejΩ0t is periodic for any real value of Ω0... This is so because t is a continuous variable which admits the period T0 to be continuous as well. Since the period is allowed to be continous, it can always be found to make Ω0T an integer multiple of 2π.
Furthermore, in the continous-time case the harmonic family of the complex exponential ejΩ0t is defined to be: ϕk(t)=ejkΩ0t for integer k=1,2,...,∞.
The particular period associated with the k-th harmonic ϕk(t)=ejkΩ0t is Tk=T0k, nevertheless its fundamental period is T0.
Now, since the period in continous-time is a real variable it can take any value possible, as you can see, as the harmonic member index k increases the particular period decreases like Tk=T0k. As the member index k goes to infinity, the member period goes to zero but is a valid value. Hence we see that there are an infinite number of such members; i.e., the harmonic family in continuous-time has infinite members. for each k=1,2,...,∞
Part-II: The discrete-time case :
The complex exponential is ejω0n, where n is an integer and ω0 is the discrete-time radian frequency (real variable).The headache comes beacuse the index n is not continous but an integer, and therefore, admits only integer periods N=1,2,... . The smallest allowed period is 1 (unlike in the CT case where the smallest period goes to zero taking any real value)
Now for a discrete-time complex expoeential to be periodic, you should have x[n]=x[n+N] for some integer N as shown:
Again from the complex exponential algebra it's seen that : ejω0N=1⟹ω0N=2πm for some integer N and m . This implies that :
Now, in order for a discrete-time complex exponential ejω0n to be periodic with period N, it must be true that its frequency w0 must be a rational multiple of π as indicated by :
Hence if ω0 does not satisfy the above condition that that complex exponential cannot be periodic at all. This is never the case with continuous-time complex exponentials which are always periodic for any Ω0.
After finding the condition on the periodicity of the discrete-time complex exponential, let's also observe their harmonic family:
In the discrete-time case, the harmonic family of the periodic complex exponential ejωn with a period of N is defined to be: ϕk[n]=ejkω0n for integer k=0,1,...,N−1.
Another difference between the CT and DT harmonic families occur on the particular period Nk associated with the k-th harmonic: it is not Nk=Nk, as that won't be an integer for any N and k. The correct period for the k-th member is Nk=Nmk where integer m is chosen to make Nk the minimum integer for given integer N and k
Now the last point, why are there just a finite number of harmonics in DT unlike the CT where there are infinite harmonics? This can most easily explained by the following: Let integer k=mN+r for some integers r,m and let r<N where N is the period of the fundamental member ejω0n. Then we have the k-the member as: ϕk[n]=ϕmN+r[n]=ejω0(mN+r)n=ejω0mNnejω0rn
Now since N is the period, we have ejω0mNn=ej2πlmNn=1 and therefore we see that
The k=mN+r th member is identical to the 0≤r≤N−1 st member. Hence we conlude that in discrete-time, for a periodic complex exponential ejω0n of period N there are only N distinguishable members of the harmonic family.
I hope this clarified it.
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