Sunday 7 June 2015

chanuka - Fish Tank Menorahs

There are people who light in a Fish Tank Menorah among then Reb Eliyashiv and Reb Kanievsky arguably the two most prominent Halachic authorities in the world.

There is an inherent problem in that when you light them without closing the glass it would not stay lit. There is a halacha that ** הדלקה עושה מצוה *Hadlakah Oseh Mitzvah* literally translated the lighting is the Mitzvah. That is the mitzvah is lighting the menorah in a place where the candles would be able to remain lit for the required duration being that with these fish tank Menorahs the doors must be closed to prevent them from going out how can you use them?


Rabbi Moshe Walter has a piece on this Here

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readings - Appending 内 to a company name is read ない or うち?

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