Saturday 2 May 2015

women - What was so good about Naamah the Ammonite?

In Bava Kamma 38b we are told that one reason God spared Lot was because of the two good birds who would issue from his daughters. Rus from Moav and Naamah from Ammon. Rus is well known, the only information I could find on Naamah is from Kings 14:21 where she is mentioned as the mother of Rechavam. The classical commentaries on that verse (including: Metzudos Dovid, Radak, Ralbag, Malbim) indicate that she was a bad influence on her son teaching him to worship idols in Shlomo's old age. Now it is possible that she was a huge tzaddakis before hand and then 'went off the derech' but there is no indication in the pesukim as such.

Which begs the question, what was so good about Naamah the Ammonite?

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readings - Appending 内 to a company name is read ない or うち?

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