Thursday 28 May 2015

tefilla - Why pray for Y'hoshua and not Kalev?

Rashi to Sh'lach 13:16 notes that Moshe prayed that God save Y'hoshua from the other spies' plot. This is a paraphrase of a g'mara (Sotah 34b) which implies strongly that Moshe did not similarly pray for Kalev.

We know Kalev and Y'hoshua were the only two of the spies who did not participate in the other spies' bearing bad news about the land. (See Sh'lach chapter 13.) Presumably Moshe intuited that there was some planned wrongdoing, which explains his prayer for Y'hoshua; but why not pray for Kalev also? Is it that he thought Kalev was, like the rest of the spies, planning wrongdoing? or what?

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readings - Appending 内 to a company name is read ない or うち?

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