Sunday 24 May 2015

halacha - Feet together or just heels for Shmoneh Esrei?

During Shmoneh Esrei, i've always learned that the feet should be kept together, for whatever reason. However, lately i've noticed people who only keep their heels together, but not the rest of their feet. (Then there are the people who don't have their feet together at all, but that's of course wrong.)

Is this an acceptable practice?


See this article from which quotes השו"ע על פי הגמרא:

שיהיו רגליו צמודות זו לזו עד שנראה כאלו שתיהן הן רגל אחת. מקור הלכה זו נלמד מספר יחזקאל, מתוך תיאור המלאכים בזמן עמידתם לפני ה', שכתוב עליהם

"ורגליהם רגל ישרה",

כלומר נראים כרגל אחת

the Shulchan Oruch according to the Gemoro that the two feet have to appear as one foot. This would seem to mean that they should be together all the way along the length not just at the heel.

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