Thursday 28 May 2015

halacha - Tzitzis Thrown Over Shoulder = Still Wearing Them?

Many times I've seen people throw the front half of their tallis katan over their shoulder so that it doesn't get in their way. Mostly teenagers playing sports or people doing something that might get it dirty. This way, the hole of the tallis katan is still around their neck, but now both halves of the beged are hanging in the back.

Is this considered "wearing" tzitzis? According to whom?

(This is an issue, since nowadays one is obligated to wear tzitzis all the time (Igros Moshe OC 4:4). Other possible nafkei minah: Making a brocha again if one didn't intend to "fix" it, but does. If the beged is put on l'chatchila this way, does one make a brocha. Walking 4 amos without tzitzis.)


From Sefer Haminhagim Chabad (page 2), based on the Alter Rebbe's Siddur:

The [minimal required] width of the tallis katan is one amah (cubit) of the Torah measure, which equals 24 generous-sized thumbwidths [i.e., 48 cm.]. This is also the [minimal required] length

a) from the neck hole to the garment's lower edge at the back, and

b) from the neck hole [or from the fillet that laces it closed] to the garment's lower edge at the front.

These measurements can be reckoned only when the garment is fully spread, and no part of it has been folded or creased: folds and creases cannot be included in the required dimensions. One who is careful to fulfill the precept of tzitzis throughout the day should therefore be constantly vigilant.

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