Friday 22 May 2015

image processing - Resources for an introduction to computer vision

Does anyone have any suggestions on good resources or sites for learning about computer vision?


If (from the comments) you are interested in an introduction to computer vision (for the difference, see Question on difference between CV and IP), you could take a look at the introductory course of Coursera on Computer Vision..

I am also currently enrolled, but have not had much time to look into it, but it seems to me as a decent course (with the knowledge of computer vision I already have) to get an overview of the different subjects in computer vision, and the techniques that are used to overcome problems.

Next to this, there is a free download of the book Computer Vision by Richard Szeliski, which is also a great source for the basic principles of computer vision, accompanied with a lot of examples.

With this basic understanding and feeling with the subjects of computer vision, you will most likely understand more complicated things easier, because you can place things in perspective.

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