Saturday 9 May 2015

nuances - Difference between だと vs と before 認める

I read the following sentence in a book


I'm wondering what the difference is between





(Basically I agree with goldbrick, but I think I should post my own answer...)

  1. 一般に公正妥当と認められる企業の基準

  2. 一般に公正妥当だと認められる企業の基準

Despite mackygoo's statement, in my opinion, both 公正妥当と認められる and 公正妥当だと認められる are perfectly fine, and neither is better or more natural than the other. There is no significant difference in meaning, either. Still, according to BCCWJ (online free corpus), na-adj/noun + と認める is far more common than na-adj/noun + だと認める. You can find lots of examples without だ, including 相当と‌​認める, 重要と認める, 適切と認める, 本人と認める, 不当と認める, many of which are used in legal contexts. There are only a few examples of na-adj + だと認める.

NHK's article about だ抜き is interesting, but it's about "quotative-と", where the part before と is a clause including more than one word. In such cases, people tend to add だ.

  • [○]明日晴れだと思う。 [?]明日晴れ思う。

  • [○]彼の名前田中だと勘違いした。 [?]彼の名前田中勘違いした。

  • [○]彼実は無実だと認めてください。 [?]彼実は無実認めてください。

  • [○]私は、彼女英雄だと見なしている。 [?]私は、彼女英雄見なしている。

  • [○]自分の意見常に正解だと思い込む。 [?]自分の意見常に正解思い込む。

(○: fine, ?: questionable/clumsy/unnatural/highly-colloquial/etc)

In these cases, ones without だ look more or less clumsy to me, because the part before と is essentially a sentence with a verb and a corresponding subject.

However, と has another function which may not be "quotative". When と is used in combination with を and a certain type of verb, it works like "as". Recently I made an (incomplete) list of such verbs. In such cases, the part before と is basically a single word (noun or na-adjective), and you can safely omit (or sometimes you should omit) だ!

  • [○]彼の名前田中だと勘違いした。 [○]彼の名前田中勘違いした。

  • [○]彼無実だと認めてください。 [○]彼無実認めてください。

  • [○]自分の意見常に正解だと思い込む。 [○]自分の意見常に正解思い込む。

  • [○]私は、彼女英雄だと見なしている。 [○]私は、彼女英雄見なしている。

  • [?]2直線の交点Pだと定義する。 [○]2直線の交点P定義する。

See the difference?

Now, back to your case, 一般に公正妥当(だ)と認められる企業の基準 can be seen as a relative clause made from (人が)企業の基準公正妥当(だ)と認められる. Therefore だ in your original sentence is safely omitted. If you're dealing with some stiff legal material, it may be even better to drop this だ, according to the statistical evidence based on BCCWJ.

(Disclaimer: This may not be the only case where だ before と can be safely dropped. And as you can see, the level of acceptance may vary from verb to verb, from person to person. When in doubt, it's always a good idea to consult a corpus.)

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